- Free shell account on FreeBSD 8.2 64 bit CPU i7 RAM 8 GB
Services :
Shell, SSH, MySQL + SSL, IRC, psyBNC, Eggdrop, Oidentd, WWW, PHP, GD, Vhost, Domain, mod_rewrite, smtp + ssl, pop3 + ssl, Anitivrus, Antyspam, Python, Perl, C, C++, Java, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Mono, Lua, Subversion, CVS, Git, Mercurial(hg), Darcs, Bazaar, trac, django, pylons, zope, unix2dos Webmail, ControlPanel, PHPmyAdmin
PROC=20, HDD=200 MB, MySQL=10MB
Soft : Screen, Irssi, BitchX, ZNC, ircd, MC, Links, Lynx, Wget, Ekg, Unrar, Unzip, Unarj, Unace, etc
I can extend your space if you give me reason :).
If you want create account now you
must login on port 30 SSH
host : login : newuser
pass : newuser
Server is not available for countries :
Indonesia, China, South Korea - Reason UDP Flood, IP Spoofing, IRC. If you live in these countrys i proposing to use a proxy or send me an email and i unblock your ip class